CBD Oil for Sleep Despite all of the improvements I've made over the last decade, sleep continued to be the one area I had the most trouble. I tried so many things, many of them helped for a while, but invariably it seemed like once my body got used to whatever supplement I was taking … [Read more...]
8 Natural Treatments for Insomnia
Insomnia is one of the primary issues with many chronic illnesses, including fibromyalgia. I’ve lived with insomnia for most of the last decade and at time it’s felt like I’ve tried everything. Some studies show that sleep issues may be a cause as much as a symptom, when it comes to … [Read more...]
How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?
How is Fibromyalgia Diagnosed? Up until recently, the primary method for how fibromyalgia is diagnosed was to rule out everything else, then if the doctor couldn't find any other cause for widespread chronic pain, he'd apply pressure to 18 "tender points" and if the patient reacted with pain to at … [Read more...]
Why sleep testing is important if you have fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and Sleep Disorders Chronic fatigue is one of the key symptoms of fibromyalgia, along with chronic pain. Both issues can be linked to sleep issues. Symptoms of sleep issues can include Trouble falling asleep easily Waking throughout the night Restless sleep (aka tossing … [Read more...]
10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia
10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia 1 . Fibromyalgia is Real Thankfully, there is a lot less disbelief in fibromyalgia now than there was a decade or two ago (or even 6 or 7 years ago). Unfortunately, there are still those (including doctors) who don't believe … [Read more...]
Getting more sleep with FibroSleep
Getting More Sleep with FibroSleep Sleep is still a challenge for me. I've tried so many things and have found a few that have helped. Melatonin - if I take it early enough it will help me fall asleep faster and sleep better. However, too much will give me nightmares. FibroCane … [Read more...]
4 Interesting Tricks to Help You Sleep
The joy of Fibromyalgia and Insomnia is that I am always looking for a trick to help me sleep. I've tried counting sheep, I've optimized my sleep hygiene, I take warm epson salt baths, and the magic answer still eludes me. In my search I've come across some very interesting tricks for sleep, that … [Read more...]
Symptoms Vs Side Effects
Thanks to the number of meds that we take for Fibro it's often hard to tell if something "new" is a symptom of our Fibro or a side effect of a new med. Even harder when you know you've been dealing with that symptom since before the med was introduced, yet it seems to be getting worse. Recently, … [Read more...]
4 Tips to Improve your Quality of Sleep
Sleep has been a long-standing issue for me, as it is for many who live with fibromyalgia. Sleep hygiene is often recommended for those with sleep issues. But, what is it? Basically, sleep hygiene boils down to some changes to your bedroom and bedtime routine that can help you fall asleep easier … [Read more...]