2017 was a major year for me. It was the year when I took a hard look at my life and asked the question: Am I happy? Or am I just complacent? I started taking a Mindfulness-based Stress Relief course in late January of 2017 and that began the introspection into what happiness means to me. As I … [Read more...]
There’s No App for Happiness
I was unhappy. I spent a lot of the last several years unhappy and didn't even realize it. I often blamed my unhappiness on my health. I often avoided life because of my unhappiness and I'm sure that my unhappiness seeped into my relationships with others, causing some to avoid me. Who … [Read more...]
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor When You Have Chronic Illness guest post by Crys Baysa of Pleasant Living Through Chronic Illness Keeping A Sense of Humor (And What It Really Is About) You know that scenario where you’re walking along and you run into something? And then you’re so … [Read more...]
Finding Joy in Chronic Illness
Tami Stacklehouse is one of us, she is a survivor. She's seen the worst Fibromyalgia has to offer, and now she's on the other side. The changes for her did not come easy, they don't come easy to any of us, but they can be made. Tami is now the Fibro Coach. She helps others find the other … [Read more...]
10 Ways to be Happier Despite Chronic Illness
10 Ways to be Happy Despite Chronic Illness Stress creates anxiety, anxiety increases pain, pain increases stress. Stress, anxiety, and pain decrease happiness. It’s the circle we live in when we live with chronic illness, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s so easy for me to get caught in that … [Read more...]
Time to stop surviving
I died at the age of 34. I was dead for three years but no one buried me. I'm thankful for that, because at the age of 37 I came back to life. Too often we spend our lives just surviving, just waiting for tomorrow. It's time to stop surviving and start living. My friend Jessica over at … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Staying Positive Despite Chronic Illness
5 Tips for Staying Positive Despite Chronic Illness When you live with chronic illness, life can be rough and it can be very difficult to remain positive. The little things often drag us down, we focus inward, and we forget to notice the small joys in life, while the small (and large) negatives … [Read more...]
Stop Waiting to Be Happy (guest post)
Waiting to Be Happy Guest Post by Mandy Mercuri from Take Hold of Pain Have you ever thought this “When I’m ...., I’ll be happy”? You can insert whatever you are looking forward to, dreaming about or convinced will make you happy into this statement. Maybe when I get a new job, when I have a baby, … [Read more...]
13 Commandments of Fibromyalgia
It seems there is a 10 Commandments for everything these days. As I was reading The Happiness Project, her mention of her Commandments for Adulthood, got me thinking about what the 10 Commandments of Fibromyalgia would be. As I thought about it, I realized that I could not stop at 10, instead I … [Read more...]
Are We Choosing to Hold Onto the Pain?
If I'm in the car, I'm listening to Dave Ramsey. I really enjoy hearing the callers, shaking my head at the stupid ones and celebrating with the ones that have made smart choices to find their way to debt freedom. Recently, I caught the episode where he interviewed Max Lucado about his new book … [Read more...]