5 Tips for Staying Positive Despite Chronic Illness When you live with chronic illness, life can be rough and it can be very difficult to remain positive. The little things often drag us down, we focus inward, and we forget to notice the small joys in life, while the small (and large) negatives … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Progress Amnesia
Most of the time I write my Sunday Inspiration posts right when I first read a post. I read it and there's just something I need to share based on what I've read. Sometimes, a post don't quite inspire me right away but it lingers in the back of my mind, continually popping up until I realize I have … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Is it time to do something different?
Are you bored yet? It's a serious question. I think one true sign of how sick most of us are is that fact that we can continue to stare at the wall and NOT be bored. We really do feel that bad. When I finally started improving almost 3 years ago, friends started asking "So, when are you going to go … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Stop Ruminating
Rumination is a state that many of us find ourselves in when we are sick. What is rumination? Ruminating a psychological state of focusing on our distress, on the negatives of our situation. Recently one of my favorite authors and bloggers, Toni Bernhard posted a great article about this and about … [Read more...]
10 Reasons We Resist Healthy Changes
Change is difficult for most of us. We get comfortable with our lives just like they are, even when they are lives filled with chronic pain and fatigue. But resisting healthy changes could be preventing you from feeling better. Often, small changes (or even big changes) are just what we need. If we … [Read more...]
Why I started the Whole30 Yesterday
Because I need more willpower! Ok, that's why I started it at all, it's not why I started The Whole30 yesterday. I started it yesterday because starting something like that on April Fools Day just seemed like a bad idea.I know my diet is pretty damn clean compared to most people. I don't eat gluten … [Read more...]
Alcohol & Fibromyalgia
The study making the rounds this week seems to show that drinking a few drinks a week (up to 1 a day) can help those of us with Fibro feel better. I've posted in the past that during some of my worst days I craved alcohol and having a drink or two definitely made me feel better. Of course, it's … [Read more...]
The Whole 30
So, I finally downloaded a copy of It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways, the book that explains The Whole 30 and the science behind it. I'm about 75% of the way through now and I've convinced myself I definitely need to do a Whole 30. The main reason … [Read more...]
6 Easy Diet Changes To Make You Feel Better
Thinking back several years to how terrible I felt, it really does amaze me how far I've come. During my early days with fibromyalgia, I was in bed almost every day, I was quite honestly one step away from suicidal. I was a day away from checking myself into the hospital. It took reaching a breaking … [Read more...]
Juice Recipe
The sad part is that I now am pretty sure I know what it would take to make me feel 100% better full time, I just also know myself well enough to know that I don't have the willpower to make it happen. Sweet Pepper Juice II -Orange Bell Pepper, Pinapple, strawberries & gingerSo what would … [Read more...]