Coping with chronic fatigue can be difficult on the best of days. However much we struggle, we need to focus on maintaining a three important things in our life. I call these the three M's of Coping. Coping with chronic pain requires that you maintain relationships When you live with chronic … [Read more...]
Can music reduce pain?
Can Music Reduce Pain? There are many types of music therapy available, and different research suggesting that types of music can help calm you, reduce stress, and even, yes, even reduce pain. A study conducted by Garza-Villarreal and colleagues in the Feb, 2013, Frontiers of Psychology examined … [Read more...]
Learn to Control Your Pain and Flares
At this point anyone with a chronic illness knows that stress increases their flares (or likelihood of a flare). But, are you creating your own flares, and the stress that creates them? You could be controlling both the stress and the flares. I know it's hard to imagine that we actually have any … [Read more...]
Alcohol & Fibromyalgia
The study making the rounds this week seems to show that drinking a few drinks a week (up to 1 a day) can help those of us with Fibro feel better. I've posted in the past that during some of my worst days I craved alcohol and having a drink or two definitely made me feel better. Of course, it's … [Read more...]
Balancing Life with Fibromyalgia
This article on WebMD is especially appropriate for this time of year. Christmas is two weeks away and if you are like me, you've spent the last three or more weeks trying to balance all the responsibilities of life. You've still got to do all the normal day to day things, working, taking care of … [Read more...]
Ginger for Pain Relief?
A recent study has shown that ginger does in fact reduce muscle pain by about 25%. I love ginger, love the smell and the taste. I'm thinking ginger tea could be a great additive to my daily regimen. They say that the benefits are much like that of an NSAID, which I can't take so this may be a great … [Read more...]
Can you Turn that Down? Sensitivity to Noise
I'm really not doing well with noise today. There are days when I can't even stand to have the tv on, and it seems that this is one of my "quiet" days. The problem is that I have a contractor here installing sidelight windows on our door, which equals lots of noise. That level of noise (the power … [Read more...]
Review: Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Fibromyalgia
The Mayo Clinic Solutions for Fibromyalgia video is divided up into 3 chapters. The first chapter is about Fibromyalgia and Integrative Medicine. It explains what Fibromyalgia is and how to explain it to others, as well as gives some insight into integrative medicine and the mind-body … [Read more...]
3 Things to Create a Pain Relieving and Relaxing Bath Time
3 Things I Use to Create a Relaxing and Pain-Relieving Bath I've always heard a bath is a great way to de-stress and over the years there have been a few times that I've decided to regularly take a bath before bedtime. I haven't done it as much since we've been in this house, the bathtub … [Read more...]