This week a new book will be released, a book that I'm proud to be a part of. This book, The i'Mpossible Project: Reengaging With Life, Creating a New You, shares the stories of 50 individuals who have overcome adversity in some form to create a new life. There are stories (like mine) of chronic … [Read more...]
The i’mpossible Project: Re-engaging with Life, Creating a New You
I got a surprise in the mail the other day. It was a book, but not just any book. It was my advanced authors copy of The i'Mpossible Project: Re-engaging with Life, Creating a New You. An even bigger surprise awaited when I opened the book to my chapter and showed it to my husband, who immediately … [Read more...]
The Patient’s Playbook for Chronic Illness
A couple of weeks ago I shared my review of the new book, The Patient's Playbook: Saving Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love. I can't recommend this book enough, and as I read it I couldn't help but think "man I really want to talk with this guy!". I'd love to have really just sat down with … [Read more...]
Review: The Patient’s Playbook – How to Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love
It's rare that I will pick up a paper book by choice and read it anymore. But, every once in a while a book will come my way that I want to read bad enough that I will deal with the paper. That's what happened when I saw The Patient's Playbook by Leslie D. Michelson show up in my Amazon Vine queue. … [Read more...]
Review: As My Body Attacks Itself
One of my favorite things about this blog is the way that it's allowed me to connect with so many awesome people. I hate that we are all suffering in some way, but that we can connect and that we can put our heads together and find ways to put things into words that one of us alone might not be able … [Read more...]
Book Review: Suffered Long Enough by Dr. Bill Rawls
How often have you wished for a doctor who understood what you were going through? I doubt we'd wish chronic pain on anyone, but at the same time, we'd all love to find a doctor who really understands. Dr. Bill Rawls is that doctor, and while you may not be able to visit him in person, he has … [Read more...]
Book Review: In Sickness As in Health
I don't know about you, but Fibro, and chronic illness in general, has had an impact on my marriage. Recently, I downloaded and read In Sickness as in Health: Helping Couples Cope with the Complexities of Illness. I've read Barbara Kivowitz blog of the same name, and after enjoying a wealth of … [Read more...]
Fibro Warrior Wednesday – Elizabeth aka PotomacFallsMom
This week's Fibro Warrior interview is with Elizabeth M. Christy, of Sterling, VA. Of course, most of us know her as PotomacFallsMom, and now the author of "Why Does Mommy Hurt?" When were you diagnosed? How old were you at the time? I was diagnosed at age 25, 2 years after I got married. … [Read more...]
What is the Point of Suffering?
What is the point of all this suffering? Last month I read a really great book. It's a book that had a positive effect on me and I think it does most people who find it at the right time. If you find it at the wrong time you will likely disregard it as "new age hoopla". The book is … [Read more...]
Changing Your Diet (Review: The Kaizen Plan for Healthy Eating)
When it comes to making dietary changes there are two ways to go about it. There's the approach I'm taking of basically removing everything and starting from scratch. Juicing for several days to a week, then slowly adding foods back in. By slowly adding foods in you have a chance to see what … [Read more...]