It's amazing the number of times that I run across a book on my Kindle that downloaded years ago only to finally read it and think "Wow I'm glad I waited!" It's not that the book wasn't amazing but that what I learned from the book was something I needed when I finally read it. I likely wouldn't … [Read more...]
Topics Close to My Heart
These posts discuss various issues and events that are close to my heart. Perhaps it's me sharing something that happened, or just sharing my soul.
You are Possible Despite Chronic Illness #IAmPossible
This week a new book will be released, a book that I'm proud to be a part of. This book, The i'Mpossible Project: Reengaging With Life, Creating a New You, shares the stories of 50 individuals who have overcome adversity in some form to create a new life. There are stories (like mine) of chronic … [Read more...]
The i’mpossible Project: Re-engaging with Life, Creating a New You
I got a surprise in the mail the other day. It was a book, but not just any book. It was my advanced authors copy of The i'Mpossible Project: Re-engaging with Life, Creating a New You. An even bigger surprise awaited when I opened the book to my chapter and showed it to my husband, who immediately … [Read more...]
#StoptheStigma Where does Stigma Come From?
After my post last week about the Stigma of Mental Illness, I received an email that got me thinking. " The Stigma of Mental Illness The Stigma of Rape They are the same allegations. Funny how we transfer a prejudice rather than end it. I stopped claiming the latter, maybe you could … [Read more...]
The Stigma of Mental Illness – #StoptheStigma
The Stigma of Mental Illness Last fall (2014) I took Experimental Psychology and one of the projects we worked on was related to mental illness stigma. I've wanted to share a part of the paper I wrote for that and thought that since May is Mental Illness Awareness Month now would be ideal. Before … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: My Mom is My Inspiration
Today is Mother's Day and as I started this week and realized that this day was coming I couldn't help but think about how much my mom is my inspiration in life. I was probably like most teenage girls who "hated" their mom. I felt like she kept me from doing so many things as a kid. There were a … [Read more...]
The Importance of Being Vulnerable
Vulnerability is difficult. Too often we associate vulnerability with weakness. Even looking at the thesaurus for synonyms that's what we find, weakness, exposed, sitting duck, naked, defenseless. But, what we don't realize is that it's the avoiding vulnerability that really makes us weak. … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: I’ve had enough!
Jessica Martin over at noonegetsflowersforchronicpain inspires me just about every time I read one of her posts, and sometimes I just can't help but share that inspiration. This is one of those times. Her recent post entitled "Stop Beating Yourself Up!" hit home for me. I get so frustrated when I … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Dealing with Unsolicited Advice
Living with chronic illness at times feels like you are wearing a sign that reads "Please offer unsolicited advice". Everyone seems to want to give us advice on what we are doing wrong, how we can feel better, etc, and the truth is that most of the time we want to smack them for doing it. Often … [Read more...]
6 Things the Chronically Ill Wish Healthy People Could Understand
I started thinking about this topic recently, about how there are certain things about living with chronic pain that those around us will never understand. That a healthy person just can't (sometimes won't) understand. As I thought about what came to my own mind, I asked the question … [Read more...]