For as old a technique as accupuncture is, you'd think there'd be more proof behind it by now. But, it's amazing how few studies have been done on how or why accupuncture actually helps. Those of us who have tried it could tell you it helps, but we don't know why. A German study was recently done … [Read more...]
Medical Studies
These posts review various medical studies related to the treatment and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.
Study Shows that Fibromyalgia is NOT just depression
Depression is often a side effect of Fibromyalgia, but unlike some may have thought, Fibromyalgia is not caused by depression. For those of us with Fibromyalgia this is a bit of a "duh! Really" moment. You'd be depressed too if you were constantly in pain and couldn't do the things you wanted to … [Read more...]
Survey Shows Chronic Pain Sufferers Don’t Like to Discuss Their Pain
According to a survey by HealthyWomen, many patients are reluctant to discuss their pain with their doctors. Go Figure. I can't say I'm surprised. Chronic Pain Sufferers Reluctant to Discuss Pain with Healthcare Providers I think many of us can understand why. It seems like we start off … [Read more...]
Link Between Fibromyalgia & Narcolepsy
Here's an interesting article. I'm not sure about this particular Dr being the one to make the "discovery" but I do believe he's on to something and it makes sense in light of what we do know about Fibromyalgia. Basically, Dr. Spitzer claims that both Fibromyalgia and CFS stem from the same cause, … [Read more...]
Increased Risk of Suicide for Fibromyalgia Patients
Some studies come out with info that just makes us want to say "duh!". You really needed a study to figure that out? This is one of those: Mortality in a cohort of Danish patients with fibromyalgia: Increased frequency of suicide According to the study, suicide is still really nothing to worry … [Read more...]
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Fear of Pain
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps Fibromyalgia patients deal with fear of pain I was just reading an article that mentioned Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a treatment for Fibromyalgia. The part that caught my attention was: In this study, similarly, CBT sessions were designed to help the … [Read more...]
The Effect of Fibromyalgia on Marriages
Do you ever look at your healthy partner and feel/fear that they don't deserve this life? A life with someone who is chronically ill? You aren't alone. I've had that thought many times. A recent study shows that spouses with Fibromyalgia are more likely to consider divorce than their non-Fibro … [Read more...]