A 2013 study followed 18 people with Fibromyalgia for 6 months. Guess what. 17 of them reported falling down. On average they fell twice during the six months, and nearly fell three times. Are you surprised? I'm not. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd followed 18 healthy people for six months … [Read more...]
Medical Studies
These posts review various medical studies related to the treatment and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.
Chronic Pain: It’s all in Your Head (but not the way you think)
I read this article "Chronic Pain May Be All In the Brain" recently and couldn't help but think "Well, DUH!" I think anyone with Fibromyalgia knows by now that the pain we have does not come from the site of the pain itself. My arm hurts doesn't mean there's something wrong with my arm. I thought … [Read more...]
My experience with anal manometry
It's not every day that I get to wear "moon pants" so that someone can stick a probe up my butt, but that's just what I did last week. That probe was actually part of an anal manometry test. In the continuing saga of abdominal pain and other IBS related issues, I headed back to my GI … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Nerve Connection
I'm really happy to see more and more studies being done on Fibromyalgia lately. Granted some haven't had wonderful outcomes, like the recent Dutch study that claimed that there was no connection between weather and how those of us with Fibromyalgia feel. That particular study was met with a … [Read more...]
Alcohol & Fibromyalgia
The study making the rounds this week seems to show that drinking a few drinks a week (up to 1 a day) can help those of us with Fibro feel better. I've posted in the past that during some of my worst days I craved alcohol and having a drink or two definitely made me feel better. Of course, it's … [Read more...]
Why Fibromyalgia Sufferers May be LESS Empathetic
According to this study that was recently published, female Fibromyalgia patients have less of a neural response when seeing others in pain (we are less empathetic). Now, I read this and I was surprised for a moment. I think I'm a pretty empathetic person. I hate to see others in pain, if someone … [Read more...]
Brain Scans Show that Meditation Can Reduce Sensation of Pain
A new study is being published that shows that intense meditation can actually reduce the sensation of pain. There have been many articles over the last year about how Yoga and Meditation can be used to help treat Fibromyalgia and other pain conditions. The stretching in Yoga helps Fibro, along with … [Read more...]
Possible Genetic Link in Fibromyalgia
Just reading through this article and the one thing that stood out to me, was something I hadn't seen any articles about previously (and something I want to research further). Earlier this year, researchers discovered a gene highly associated with fibromyalgia. It may predispose some people to … [Read more...]
5 Part Treatment for FMS/CFS
Many of the top online nursing schools are beginning to realize the challenges of treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. They are teaching students about a variety of options, including the SHINE program. SHINE stands for sleep, hormones, infections, nutritional supplements and … [Read more...]
Vibration for Pain Relief
There's been an interesting new study that they are saying shows that a high frequency vibration may help reduce pain in those suffering from Fibro. I have to say that I'm not so sure. In the study they first created pain through heat then used the high frequency vibration in the same area that the … [Read more...]