As difficult as it is to ask for help, most of us loved to be asked. We often get confused and think that we are handing someone a burden when we ask them for help, but really when we ask for help, we are giving them a gift. I love to read and books often inspire me, especially non-fiction. … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
5 Beliefs that Make You a Stronger Person
Illness took a lot away from me, but it's also given me much. The first couple of years after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia were the hardest for me, I came close to giving up completely and I certainly understand why some people do. I can only say it was a certain level of stubbornness that I … [Read more...]
5 beliefs that keep me moving forward
The ability to move forward is limited by our beliefs. Thinking back to the changes I've had to make over the last decade plus, it is these beliefs that have allowed me to make changes when necessary, to act instead of stagnate. I believe I'm put here to learn from whatever I encounter, and to move … [Read more...]
10 questions to help you change your thinking
When things start going downhill it's easy to get stuck in negative mode. I've been there more times than I care to admit. That place where it's difficult to even think of something positive and once something negative starts rolling around in my brain all I can do is ruminate on it. It can be hard … [Read more...]
5 mental shifts that I had to make to feel better
I've had many positive changes in my life since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I've gone from so fatigued and in pain that I could barely do anything but lay on the couch and watch TV to finishing a degree, establishing a new career in freelance writing, to starting (and selling) a … [Read more...]
5 things I’ve learned about handling stressful times
I've learned a lot about myself in the last few years. One of the biggest things I'm still learning is how I handle stress, both physically and mentally. I've realized that often I don't realize I'm stressed out until my body starts shutting down. Mentally my creativity will seem to come to a … [Read more...]
10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say “Yes”
Saying yes is easy, and some of us say it way too often. Whether or not you live with chronic illness, it's important to learn how to say no. Often we say yes without even thinking about it, we don't think about the opportunity costs of saying yes and how saying yes to one thing always … [Read more...]
Understanding Invisible Illness: Walking in Our Shoes
Before I got sick with fibromyalgia I had no understanding of invisible illness. I would look at some of the people I'd see using handicapped spaces or the electric carts at the grocery store and think "they don't really need that". I once had a discussion with my (then) husband about how … [Read more...]
Coming Out of the Chronic Illness Closet
Being open about your chronic illness can often be as difficult as coming out of the closet about your sexuality. In both cases, you rightfully worry that you will be judged, that you won't be accepted, and that opportunities may be taken away from you. Chronic Mom shared a great post about … [Read more...]
Are you spending too much time with the wrong people?
Throughout the last few years I've made a strong effort to spend more time with the right people and less (or no) time with the wrong people. Throughout the last decade I've shared several topics about dealing with toxic people, or people who drain your energy. It was something I … [Read more...]