This week I read a post from Sue Ingbretson asking what you expect when you visit your doctor, more specifically What Rx Do you Expect from a Doctor? As her posts often do, this question got me thinking and I decided I would share my thoughts here (because that's what Sunday Inspiration is … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
I didn’t write the Spoon Theory, I Just Live It!
Like so many #Spoonies out there I came across The Spoon Theory early in my diagnosis and it affected me in a big way because it was the first time I'd heard someone explain what I was living in such a way that allowed to make sense to those who didn't live it. I feel kinda bad because too often … [Read more...]
Imua: Keep Moving Forward
I've always found The Biggest Loser to be an inspiring show. It inspires me to make healthier choices. I will often watch it while I'm on the treadmill, because I really have a hard time sitting still while that show is on. I really like the new trainers in the 2015 season - Jessie & Jenn. … [Read more...]
Review: As My Body Attacks Itself
One of my favorite things about this blog is the way that it's allowed me to connect with so many awesome people. I hate that we are all suffering in some way, but that we can connect and that we can put our heads together and find ways to put things into words that one of us alone might not be able … [Read more...]
Invisible: The Film
Do you feel invisible? Are you ready for the world to see you? Megan Densmore is ready, and she and her team are looking for others who are ready to share their story of invisible chronic illness with the world. Megan was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the age of 13. She was told that she … [Read more...]
How you can help someone who has Chronic Pain and Fatigue
If you have a spouse or loved one living with chronic pain or chronic fatigue, you may feel useless at times because you can't ease their pain, you can't make them physically feel better. Often you want to do something or at least offer advice just in hopes that it might help them feel better. … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Progress Amnesia
Most of the time I write my Sunday Inspiration posts right when I first read a post. I read it and there's just something I need to share based on what I've read. Sometimes, a post don't quite inspire me right away but it lingers in the back of my mind, continually popping up until I realize I have … [Read more...]
Stop Waiting to Be Happy (guest post)
Waiting to Be Happy Guest Post by Mandy Mercuri from Take Hold of Pain Have you ever thought this “When I’m ...., I’ll be happy”? You can insert whatever you are looking forward to, dreaming about or convinced will make you happy into this statement. Maybe when I get a new job, when I have a baby, … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: I’ve had enough!
Jessica Martin over at noonegetsflowersforchronicpain inspires me just about every time I read one of her posts, and sometimes I just can't help but share that inspiration. This is one of those times. Her recent post entitled "Stop Beating Yourself Up!" hit home for me. I get so frustrated when I … [Read more...]
Lessons from Fibro Warriors
What have you learned about yourself since you were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia? "I am stronger than I ever imagined !" - DL Miller "I’m stronger than I think. Sometimes. " - Jen Miller "I learned that I am stronger than I thought. Much stronger. And that makes me feel like I am winning this … [Read more...]