*originally published on ProHealth.com How long is a minute? When we think about a minute we know it's not very long but in our world of instant everything it's become an eternity. I can remember when it would take several minutes for a single webpage to load, you could bring up a page go to the … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
Let’s STOP Pretending
Sometimes I worry that people will read my blog and see the positivity I try to share, and the fact that I've said I feel I've recovered from Fibromyalgia and think that that means I'm 100% hunky-dory and never have a bad day. But, that's not the truth. I still have bad days and I don't try to … [Read more...]
#StoptheStigma Where does Stigma Come From?
After my post last week about the Stigma of Mental Illness, I received an email that got me thinking. " The Stigma of Mental Illness The Stigma of Rape They are the same allegations. Funny how we transfer a prejudice rather than end it. I stopped claiming the latter, maybe you could … [Read more...]
4 things we must set aside so that we can move forward
When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and living with constant uncontrollable pain, I got stuck. It felt impossible to move forward with my life. I put everything on hold because all I could do was focus on the pain. Looking back I realize that there were things keeping me stuck, but it wasn't the … [Read more...]
Counting spoons with the #spoontheory
The idea of spoons when it comes to chronic illness is that spoons are akin to energy. Counting your spoons is the idea of tracking how much energy you have and what you need to do and balancing those two in hopes of avoiding running out of spoons. The idea is that healthy people have seemingly … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Guided Meditation
I've seen a lot of posts talking about meditation and how difficult it is, and when I read those my thoughts are usually that I agree it's difficult but not for the reasons most list. Most recently I saw a post on Pillow Fort entitled "Meditation and Self Care: Where to begin" The only … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia?
Evidently Donna over at FibroGeek is on a role, because once again she's inspired me. Not long ago she posted her thoughts on the idea of recovering from or curing Fibromyalgia. This is a question that comes up a lot, Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia? Can you recover from Fibromyalgia? I'd not … [Read more...]
Surviving Fibromyalgia: How I #defypain
Today is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (May 12, in case you are coming to this post later), and I thought it was an appropriate day to share a post on how I #defypain and how I'm Surviving Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread chronic pain, and while I may look healthy, and … [Read more...]
Dylan’s Letter: My Mom Has Fibromyalgia
My Mom has Fibromyalgia. Actually, yes my mom does, too, but this isn't about her. This is the story about a 10-year-old boy who saw someone struggling and stopped to ask the hard questions. Sometime its the littlest ones in our life that take your breath away with their love, compassion, and … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: My Mom is My Inspiration
Today is Mother's Day and as I started this week and realized that this day was coming I couldn't help but think about how much my mom is my inspiration in life. I was probably like most teenage girls who "hated" their mom. I felt like she kept me from doing so many things as a kid. There were a … [Read more...]