The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor When You Have Chronic Illness guest post by Crys Baysa of Pleasant Living Through Chronic Illness Keeping A Sense of Humor (And What It Really Is About) You know that scenario where you’re walking along and you run into something? And then you’re so … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
4 Ways I’ve stopped giving away my energy
Energy - that thing that those of us with chronic illness fight to have enough of. Yet, I've found lately that I have more and more of it. Why? Because I've stopped giving away so much energy for no return. How have I gotten my energy back? It's not been easy, and it's a struggle, but the … [Read more...]
Why Letting Go is the Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself
Why ‘letting go’ is the best thing You Can Do For Yourself guest post by Audrey Throne You may feel that holding grudges, anger or resentment is natural, but have you ever considered the toll it takes on you? In a 1988 Gallup poll, it was found that almost 94 percent Americans recognize the … [Read more...]
The Struggles of Being a Mom with Chronic Pain
The Struggles of Being a Mom with Chronic Pain Guest post by Andrea Wool of “Mommy- can you play tag with me?”“No, sweetie- I am so sorry, but my body really hurts today and I feel so tired.” “Mommy- can you play a game with me?”“In a minute, sweetie, Mommy really needs a … [Read more...]
How Oska Helps Me Accomplish More
A couple of weeks ago I did something I didn't think I'd ever do again (I've had a lot of those moments in the last 6-8 months). What is it? You ask. I painted my bedroom, by myself. Top to bottom, all in one day. Even if I'd only done a small amount that still would have been amazing, especially if … [Read more...]
Back Pain Remedies from Lady Gaga
Back Pain Remedies from Lady Gaga Guest post by Macey Bernstein of We all like to think of ourselves as well-rounded. Remember in school if you majored in let's say music, you also had to take math or science class. School administration wasn't doing this to annoy you, but … [Read more...]
You Know You Have Chronic Illness When…..
You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When Guest post by: Megan Hastings June 2, 2017 When living with a chronic illness, seemingly trivial tasks or things healthy counterparts do can often seem like insurmountable challenges for you. While I was at the beach with my children on a warm summer … [Read more...]
My nose can’t take more stink (a review)
Those of us with Fibromyalgia, for whatever reason, have an enhanced sense of smell, even though studies tell us otherwise. All of our senses seem to be heightened. My husband would certainly agree that my sense of smell is equivalent to a superpower. I smell things that no one else even notices, … [Read more...]
Tips for Travelling with Chronic Illness
Tips for Travelling with Chronic Illness I've traveled a lot lately. And, by a lot I mean I've been on a plane more in the last two months than I had been in the last 5 years. In the last two months I've taken four trips. The first two were a little over a week apart. Then I had a few weeks … [Read more...]
Good Advice NOT to Take if You’re Tackling Chronic Illness
Don’t take this advice if you’re dealing with chronic pain guest post by Jackie Walters of Getting diagnosed with a condition that causes chronic pain can be overwhelming. Soon, you’re flooded with advice from do-gooders who might be passing on outdated or wrong … [Read more...]