Hi, my name is Sarah. I write My Migraine Life, which is exactly that, my life with chronic migraines. I have had migraines since I was five and have been chronic for at least the last 10 years. If I’m not having a migraine, I am living with persistent daily headaches and fighting all the other symptoms from pre and post migraine.
My chronic migraines ramped up when I was teaching severe special education. The stress of working with such intense needs and the emotional toll of the job triggered my brain to react with great force.
At that point I started a family and became a stay at home mom of two. I now have a 6 and 4-year-old that are truly my inspiration to be better and healthier each day. Knowing the genetic risk that my children may have inherited my migraines, I focus on their health and monitor them closely. We cook together and I teach the importance of how foods make us feel. We discuss stress management and how to calm ourselves. We have a strict bedtime routine and drink a lot of water. We love to hike and do lots of physical activities as a family. My children are the lights of my life!
My Golden Retriever is my fist (fur) baby and she has journeyed with me through my migraines. She paced the floors with me when I was pregnant, she lays in bed with me all day when I’m hit with a migraine and she has become a therapy pet to me while being a protective big sister to my children. She gives love and support to me in a way that no one else does.
I am now back to teaching at my youngest’s preschool. The job is part time and much less stress. I occasionally write about lessons learned and taught to young ones. I speak with a lot of parents who have questions about parenting and I think a blog post and conversation can be enlightening.
Overall, I focus on being positive in life. I may be cursed with chronic migraine, but I have so many blessings that keep me from giving up. The people I surround myself with are uplifting and don’t judge my invisible illness. My husband and I have a very open relationship where sickness and health are only part of our life. I have stopped worrying about what others think and have learned many lessons from discrimination and my health journey. While being chronically sick, I value my time and don’t waste it outside of my dark room. I live my life to the fullest in my own way each day and encourage you to do the same.
My blog aims to tell my stories and to give and receive support. Not feeling alone and having someone to converse with is important. I want others to share with their families, bosses, and friends to explain that Migraine is more than a headache. I want to eliminate stigma and raise awareness. I review products and write about how I treat myself with preventative measures as much as possible; things like Axon Optics glasses, Organic Aromas, Headache Hat have been really helpful.
I have a well-rounded approach towards prevention and abortive treatment including medication but also through nutrition, natural supplements, and see a variety of doctors to search for answers. I recently am finding relief from sauna, massage, physical therapy and acupuncture. I eat cleanly and have relied on a Vegan food service for times when I can’t cook.
I hope to build a community that is supportive and positive. I want my blog to be a place of experience yet constantly growing and learning. If you or someone you know suffers from Migraine or daily headaches, please follow My Migraine Life. Knowledge is power and so is support.
You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
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