As promised, here’s the video of my Fibromyalgia speech. Heads up, turn the volume down.
I have no idea how I got even close to an A on this (I got a B+). I’m actually a little embarrassed to even share this. Today, I’ll be giving my second speech, this time on a project I was involved in over the last few years – The Painted Bra Art Project. This is my persuasive speech. I’ll have one more speech next week and then I’m done.
I will be so glad to have this mini-session over. Having a class at 8am is killing me. Class was cancelled one day last week and I was so happy because I woke up feeling like crap. It was one of those days that I was considering skipping before I saw the notice that it’d been cancelled. My weekends lately I’ve spent just trying to rest, and I’ve done my best to try to “take naps” in the afternoon. I suck at naps. At best I can lay on my hammock for a half hour and just relax, but fall asleep? Heck, NO! Like I said in the video, without Ambien there’s no way I’d be getting through this month.
I tried to tell Paul how worn out I am. Of course, he went straight into “fix it” mode and said “Well, maybe you should try to get to sleep earlier.” Note: I’ve been hitting the bath tub shortly after 8pm and in bed by shortly after 9pm every night (popping an Ambien as soon as I hit the bed, then reading till it kicks in). I pointed out that in order for me to get the same amount of sleep that I normally get (the amount my body needs) I’d have to be in bed by 7pm. Even if that was realistic under normal circumstances, it’s impossible two nights a week due to my other class. At that point he shut up and switched to smart husband mode and asked if there was anything he could do. There isn’t, but I appreciated the effort.
Two more weeks and I’ll be done. Then three weeks off before fall starts. On the upside, this one mini-session class is like taking three normal semester classes, so I know I can handle my fall schedule.
Tracy Lee Karner says
I understand your nap dilemma. I, too, have a difficult time winding down, especially when I’m studying/learning or writing a book–too much on my mind.
Two tricks that helped me: a neurologist told me to do cardio 4-5 hours before times I wanted to sleep. He said my body would be exhausted 4-5 hours after the cardio. Even 10 minutes seems to work.
And, I made up this game. A number of people have told me it works for them, too. The bonus is, it grows brain cells AND makes you fall asleep.
Julie says
That’s pretty cool.. I will definitely have to give that a try, next time I’m laying there trying to dose off. I wanted a nap so bad yesterday afternoon. I actually laid down with the intent of taking one before my evening class only to have a friend call. It was not meant to be. So, I was in bed by 8:30 last night and still woke up dead. The nerves of today’s speech gave me the energy to get through it, but now I am ready for that nap.