I originally posted this back in May of 2010, but I thought my current readers may enjoy seeing it.
After changing GPs in 2010, I realized that there were a few ways that I could help make sure that the transition went well, and take those same things into other doctors to make things easier for us. Take advantage of these 7 steps to Help Your Doctor Help You, and have better doctor visits overall.
1. Take Advantage of the Doctor’s Website – many doctors now have their own websites for their practice where they make their new patient forms available online. If your doctor offers this, take advantage of it. Print off the forms and fill them out at home when you aren’t rushed and can be thorough. Filling these forms out at the office means arriving early and trying to remember all your info in that short time frame.
2. Keep a list of all of your medications (including supplements) with you always. This way when you see your doctor or see a new doctor you always have this list available. Make sure that when new items are added or removed from your med list that they are removed from this list you carry with you as well. This will keep you from having to remember them on the spot. Drugs.com has a great interactive app that you can use to keep your medication list updated through any device.
3. Make a List of what you need to discuss. Before going to the doctor, write down all the issues you wish to discuss with him/her. You may want to keep this as an ongoing list that you can add to when you think of something new. The easiest thing to do is to keep this as a note/memo on your phone (even the most basic phones typically have a memo option now). Or, if you aren’t a tech person, keep a small notebook or journal with you, that you can write things down in as you think of them. While talking to your doctor, reference this list to make sure that you do discuss all of your issues while you are there.
4. Check Your Medications before you go to the doctor to see if anything needs refilled. If you do find that you are close to needing a refill on something, add that to your list of things to talk to the doctor about. And, get the refill prescription while you are there. This will save you from having to call later, and with many doctors it may save you a refill fee.
5. Keep a copy of your Medical History on File. The next time you head to a new doctor and they send you a medical history form to fill out, keep a copy of it (or do a search online and download one and fill it out). Keeping a filled out copy of this form and making sure to update it regularly may be a life saver to you down the road. Make sure that your family knows where this can be found so that if you are admitted to the hospital or incapacitated in some way they can find it and give it to any doctors that need it. Keeping a copy of it electronically may make it easier to update.
Along with your Medical History, make a list of all doctors you see along with their addresses and phone numbers. Keep this list with your medical history. This will make it easier to give the list to any new doctors you see (if necessary), as well as make it easier if something were to happen and any of them needed to be contacted.
6. Take Notes. When you are with your doctor you may want to take notes as you discuss things. If you discuss new treatments, medications or possible diagnosis write them down and research them further when you get home. If you find you have more questions about them later, call the doctor’s office and ask your questions. Most of the time the nurse on duty can answer your questions for you.
7. Research. Doing your own research and asking informed questions of your doctor is the best way to help your doctor help you. The more you know and understand about your own body and treatment the more information you can give your doctor about your symptoms. Pay attention to changes within your body and report them. No one knows your body better than you do.
@mztorontopainmd says
… and copies of your test results (MRI, CT, bloodwork)
@mztorontopainmd says
Also, list of meds you’ve tried that didn’t work