*BTW, just a heads up that the post below may have affiliate links (some of my posts do). |
Inspiration can come from many places. I’ve really had a hard time this week focusing myself on the positive. I’ve relied a lot on my Mantra bracelets. I have found a few posts in the blogosphere that have given me food for thought and positive reminders. I’d like to share them here with you.
- 3 Quick Ways to Curb Catastrophic Thinking – How often do we think that because one even lead to a negative outcome every similar event will do the same. We have one Dr who won’t listen so we assume none of them will. We have one friend who gets upset when we cancel plans, so we assume that everyone will react the same. ” Are you causing your own suffering with “what if” thinking? I am amazed at how often I catch myself engaging in the negative mental habit of catastrophic thinking. I’m not surprised that studies indicate that 60-70% of mental chatter is negative, judging by the gloom-and-doom scenarios in my own mind. “
- Five Fibro Stress Busters – I think one of the hardest things we have to do when learning how to cope with illness is realize that the people around you either help you or hurt you. It sucks to separate yourself from people who are dragging you down because sometimes it feels like there’s already no one there. We’ll take the “suckers” over no one at all. But, the truth is that there are others there, others who provide you positive energy rather than sucking yours away. Just make sure you aren’t a “sucker” for them.“Friends and relatives. Are they helping you up or pulling you down? ….LIMIT your exposure to the “suckers”. I call them suckers because they drain you of everything you need. Energy, patience, dignity, sanity, and worst of all time.”
- How You Vibrate Is What the Universe Echos Back At You – We all have bad days. One truth about coping is that positives and negatives build on positives and negatives. If we are in a bad mood, negative things are more obvious. If we are in a good mood we can shrug them off. To get out of a bad mood we have to make a conscience choice.” At any point in the day, we all have the ability to say this is not how my day is going to be. “
- How to Be – This is something I struggle with a lot, trying to be honest in my blog and not present a version of myself that isn’t the truth. It’s hard to be transparent and share the negative as well as the positives, to admit that no matter how hard I try, I still struggle.” what I have learned is it’s okay to feel all the things. It’s better to express them and get them out there than to keep them inside and either explode or become numb. “
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