Yes, I was a Project Control Analyst at a local Government contractor and I continue to work in this field under another employer.
I have high blood pressure, a heart murmur that I was born with, a bad right knee that has been scoped three times and is awaiting a knee replacement. I’m overweight, have type 2 diabetes, and a bulging disc in the cervical thoracic and lower lumbar part of the back. Other conditions do impact my Fibro such as stress at my home, work and family situations. I am bad about overspending my spoons and paying for it double duty the next days or weeks to come…..
I cannot go without my magnesium. I can tell a difference the very next day with the pain and spasms. I am still up for any suggestions, since I am limited on medications.
I would love to do some kind of soft yoga or pilates to stretch the muscles and I would like to join a gym to use a warm pool to ease the stress of Fibro, I want to lose weight and so I am very interested in a workable plan to lose weight that doesn’t stress out the family.
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