*BTW, just a heads up that the post below may have affiliate links (some of my posts do). |
Purple People Eater Juice, Get Well Juice, Green Juice |
Yesterday was my first physical therapy appointment. The place in town that specializes in Fibromyalgia doesn’t do pelvic wall therapy, so I went to the place that the Dr recommended. I’ve been there before, at least twice, prior to the Fibro, and I can’t say that I have good memories. I think that both times I went there were for migraines and that they did not end up helping either time. What sticks in my mind was how much one girl in particular made me hurt worse. Some of their therapists seem to have the idea that in order to take pain away, you have to increase it first. I realize that to an extent that is true for certain types of pain. I also know the difference between making a pain worse and the aches and sore muscles you sometimes have after a good massage or workout. Good pain vs bad pain, so to speak. I So, I was ok with her manipulation yesterday, despite how much pain it initially caused me. I could feel the pain decrease as she worked on an area.
In addition to generally feeling like crap, my throat is a little scratchy, so I’m doing the best thing I know to do to head off a potential cold: “Get Well Juice”. With the high amount of carbs and sugars I find it’s one that is best done first thing in the morning… or well anytime of the day. I didn’t want to forgo my usual Green Juice either, so I decided to just start my morning off right by making my juice for the day. You can find the recipes for the Get Well Juice and the Green Juice here. In addition to my morning Green Juice lately I’ve been trying to add in a Red Juice. It’s funny when you learn more about different fruits and veggies and how you can almost tell what they are good for by their shape or color.
Red fruits and veggies are particular good for us ladies, and contain lots of Vit K and other nutrients we need to help keep our bones strong. I’ve tried Cabbage in juices several times in the last year and had a terrible time finding any recipe that wasn’t gross. Most recipes call for about a half a head of cabbage. I just can’t do it. I’ve never liked cabbage (of either color) in anything, and it seemed like no matter what I did, I could taste it. I needed other flavors that would over-power the cabbage. Finally, last week I ran across some “Super bowl Juice” recipes, and given the teams that were playing there were a lot of purple and red juices. I saw one that had cabbage and pomegranate. Pom is one of those fruits that I think I’ve tried at some point in the last year but gave up on due to the high PITA quotient. Have you ever tried to eat a Pom? Seriously. Luckily, I’d run across some instructions on Pinterest for how to eat a Pomegranate that made it look pretty easy, so I thought I’d give it another try. Amazingly enough, a few simple cuts and some cold water and you have Pomegranate seeds ready to go. I’m no longer scared of Pomegranate. So, I’ve been mixing that with some Red Cabbage and other things to create different purple/red juices this week. I wish I’d been writing down what I was putting in my juices because they have all been really good (with no nasty cabbage taste). Even Paul didn’t turn up his nose when he tried one of them.
So, this is what I put in my Purple juice today:
1 Cup of Red Cabbage
2 Cups of Purple grapes
1 Prickly Pear (great for inflamation)
1 small-med beet
Seeds of 1 pomegranate
1 Thumb size piece of ginger
When seeding your Pom try to get as much of the white stuff out of the bowl as possible before adding the seeds to the juicer. Also, while my picture above still shows the seeds sitting in water, you do need to drain the water off before juicing. Since I know that prickly pear can sometimes get kinda caught up in the juicer I will try to juice it early. Grapes are great for juicing at the end because they hold a lot of juice and will help push the other juices through. So, I juiced in this order: pom (with ginger), cabbage, beet, prickly pear, grapes. Enjoy.
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