Here’s the recipe:
Necessity is the mother of invention they say. It’s raining barrels here… or something larger. And my Fibro fog has been kicking in a bit during my recovery. I just finally got back to juicing last week. I wish I’d been able to juice from the beginning and if I have to go through something like this again (and know about it in advance) I’d prepare a ton of juice and freeze it so I have it. So, back to the rain… it’s pouring. It’s been raining for the better part of the last week. Of course, Sunday I was finally feeling better to the point of getting out of the house and initially it was ok out (overcast and sprinkly but ok). I was out of green stuff (Kale/Spinach), but we wanted to go to the movies so we did (Ganger Squad – go see it) and figured we’d stop by the store after to grab the green. Of course, by the time we walk out of the movies the bottom has dropped out and we need an ark to get to the car. Yet STILL I had Paul run by the store and stop in front so I could run in and get my Kale.
Now that you know how bad it was Sunday, I’ll let you imagine how much worse it was Monday. So, on top of the fact that it was STILL pouring, the temperature had dropped to something under 40 degrees. It was cold. I was bloated (damn popcorn) and couldn’t even consider pants. So, long dress and boots and to have coffee I go. I grab my laptop bag and run inside to meet my friend only to realize…. no purse! No purse = no phone and no money. Ok, not quite no money since I keep a little cash in my car for emergencies. Coffee is an emergency. However, I decided groceries were not quite so much, and since I was out of celery, cucumbers & lemons…. I had to get a little creative with my juice this morning. What I did have on hand was Kale (thanks to the Sunday stop) and fruit. What resulted was a fruity green juice. This would be a great one to sneak a little green into the kids lives (if they will drink green – since the resulting juice is still green).
The Fibro fog has been catching up with me during my recovery. I’ve been doing pretty good with it (and with most of the Fibro symptoms) for the last year, but the last few weeks I’ve noticed a lot more word forgetting. I hate that feeling, where you know the word is somewhere in the back of your brain but it can’t get to your mouth. It feels like there’s just a block in your mind, or a wall that is keeping that word from getting to the communication part of your mind. I can forget a word in under a minute… one minute it’s there and I’m typing it or speaking it, the next it’s gone and I feel so silly playing password to try to get someone to remind me of that basic noun. Then yesterday, I’m sitting there having coffee with my friend and she tells me about this dress she ordered. A bit later I’m like “were you going to show me that dress?”. She just looked at me for a minute and I finally remember… she already did. Head Palm. I felt like a total jerk. Luckily, she understood. But, it was just a huge red flag for me… well not a red flag but I can’t think of the word I want.. so whatever.
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