I saw this on Facebook this morning and it really is the perfect analogy. It really struck a chord with me, as I thought about what it was saying. I haven’t tried the Whole 30 exactly, but they way I eat isn’t far from it. It’s all about eating clean. As with the Paleo diet, there are a few areas where my diet differs, and it basically comes down to legumes and eggs. I don’t eat eggs but I do eat legumes. Eggs are one of those things that came up on my food sensitivity panel, however in testing them they don’t bother me nearly like gluten or dairy, or even rice (which wasn’t on the sensitivity panel, but does really bother me). I probably haven’t been as vigilant about avoiding eggs as I am other things. I’ve tested them by actually ordering a goat cheese omelet one morning at a local restaurant. I seem to be ok with goat cheese, as well. I actually had them reduce the omelet from 3 eggs to 2 eggs and I still only ate half of it. That was plenty to make me feel like I’d just had enough. Eggs have always been that way, they just haven’t ever been high on my list of things to eat. That said, it’s hard to make a lot of things without eggs and even this morning I was thinking I was going to try to find some local free-range eggs so that I could attempt this paleo carrot cake recipe I found.
Of course, reading the post above got me thinking about how eggs probably weren’t really a good idea. I’m still getting my body over the fact that I ate rice last week (felt the need to test it again, and I failed the test). It makes me ask myself why I feel the need to even “test” things. Why do I make a conscious choice that I know will make me feel bad? And, I don’t have the answer. I haven’t (and won’t) make the conscious choice again to eat gluten of any kind, simply because I know how badly it affects me. And, I wont’ do rice again after this last test because I know what it does to me. Some dairy and eggs (from what I’ve seen) aren’t quite as bad as the other two. I’m not going to go out and buy regular milk again (why when I can just make almond milk), nor will I buy putting stock in Kraft. But, I keep going back to the post above and thinking “maybe those blue cheese crumbles on my salad did bother me more than I thought.” Maybe the slight “traces of milk” due to processing in my chocolate really does affect me more than I think.
Because, I’m still trying to get my body past what I fed it last week, I’ve decided that this week needs to be all about the juice and veggies in any form. No risking taking in anything that might affect me negatively.
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