As I posted in my last update, I missed a couple of days juicing last week while I was out of town. After the second day I found a brush to clean my juicer and got back on the wagon and what a difference it made!
Immediately after having the “Immune Fruit Juice” I was feeling much better. And the next morning I got back on my routine of starting the day with the Mean Green Juice. That got my digestion back where it needed to be and I was feeling good for the rest of the week; despite the boys in the house both fighting illness (sinus crud).
My diet was a lot different last week than it had been the previous few weeks, and really much more like my “normal” diet. My friends already live gluten/dairy free so I just ate what they ate including – gluten free brownies, pasta, and even gluten / (cow) dairy free pizza. The gluten free pizza crust is better than ANY home-made pizza crust I’ve ever had and better than many restaurant crusts. If you like thin crust you’d love it. I used goat cheese on my pizza and I loved it (but I like weird cheeses). That said, other than my juice I wasn’t getting a lot of veggies and I was missing them a bit.
I’m back home now and I feel a little worn down but overall (after having my juice this morning) I feel pretty darn good, especially for someone who drove 7 hours yesterday. I love to drive and it’s been a very long time since I felt like I was able to do a long drive like that on my own.
I have been able to pretty much discontinue two meds in the last month. I’ve not really needed my Omeprazole (GERD medicine). There have been a few days I’ve felt some heart burn but not enough to justify taking something every single day. Also, as of last week I’m off Savella. I’ve been cutting it back ever since the Serotonin issue last summer and had it down to just .25/day. I’d been planning to cut it down to taking that every other day before I completely discontinued it. However, when I filled my med holders before I left on my trip I forgot whether I was taking it at night or in the morning so it didn’t make it into either holder. I can’t say I really noticed a difference without it. I’ve also cut my muscle relaxer back down to just 4mg at bedtime.
So my current med/ supplement list looks like this…
Tizanidine 4mg at bedtime
Neurontin 600mg 2/day
Ambien (occasioanally – I may have taken it once this year).
Flonase nasal spray (I’ve cut this back as well as I’ve not been having the constant sneezing)
Astapro nasal spray (same as above)
Supplements: magnesium malate (400/day), magnesium glycinate (400/day) Vit D (2000iud), Vit B Complex, & Iron.
Overall, I’ve felt a lot more like “normal”. Not 100% or even quite as good as I’ve felt a couple of other times in the last couple of years when I could honestly say I felt like “me”, but getting there.
Immune Fruit Juice
1 Orange
1/2 pinapple (skinned/ sliced include center)
1/2 cup strawberries
1 banana
Juice the first three then blend with the banana. If you don’t have a juicer you could just make a smoothie with all 4 ingredients.
Mean Green Juice
4-6 Leaves of Kale
1 cucumber (I actually use 1/2 of a huge English Cucumber)
4 stalks of celery
2 apples
1/2 lemon
chunk of ginger
– juice it all! It tastes better than it sounds, thanks to the apples and lemon it tastes more like lemon-aid than kale.
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