I got the results back from the food allergy/sensitivity test that I had done a few weeks ago and …go figure… very little showed up. The sensitivity scale goes up 6 notches and I barely fall into the first level for dairy, whey, whole wheat & eggs. I think whey was probably the highest of any of them. That said, the general info that I got from so many people before I did it, steering me away from doing it was that they aren’t very accurate and that often you won’t test allergic to something but your body still reacts negatively to it, therefore it’s still better to avoid it.
That said, I’m going to continue with my plan to try the Paleo diet for a while. However, after reading up on it I’m realizing that they encourage you to avoid a few things I hadn’t realized (mainly beans), which I thought was odd. It basically encourages eating really low carb (which seems odd when encouraging fruits and veggies) while also eating naturally (ie. like the cavemen ate). I’ve been really surprised at some of the recipes I’ve come across that claim to be Paleo. I’m not real sure that I will follow it strictly so match as I plan to just eat naturally. The Paleo diet encourages you to avoid things like beans (high carb) as well as grains (which I was planning to do). I don’t know that I’ll throw beans out the window, but grains I can do. The most interesting recipe I’ve come across was the chocolate cake made with black beans.
On that thought, I went to Jason’s Deli today and got really annoyed. I think I posted that we’d gone last weekend and I’d had the Vegetarian Vegetable soup. I hadn’t noticed any pasta in the soup when I had it and there’s nothing about pasta listed in the description but someone in front of me asked what was in it and they were told pasta (in addition to the list of veggies and barley). When I got up to the line I asked about the pasta (to make sure I’d heard right) and she said that yes there was pasta in it. Crud! So I thought “what about the Tomato Basil?” “Is it dairy free?”. Nope, it has dairy. Damn! No win for me. So I just got the salad bar and dealt with it. There’s one more great idea out the window.
I haven’t lost any more weight this week, which is somewhat surprising. But, I can’t help but wonder what other little things have snuck into my diet that I wasn’t aware of. Ok, I broke down one night and had a little bite of dark chocolate (super dark, no milk), but I can’t think of anything else. Unless, maybe, the beans really are that bad. But, I also haven’t really been exercising either. I’ve been really blah thanks to a weeks worth of rainy and cold weather. And, now evidently I’ve developed a sinus infection to follow up that nasty cold I had last week. I’m so ready for vacation.
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