I’m really not doing well with noise today. There are days when I can’t even stand to have the tv on, and it seems that this is one of my “quiet” days. The problem is that I have a contractor here installing sidelight windows on our door, which equals lots of noise. That level of noise (the power tools) really rubs my nerves the wrong way; the same way that storms affect me.
So now my nerves are on fire and I can’t handle any noise at all, which isn’t good. The upside is that I’m starting to finally piece these things together and realize what bothers me, when and how; rather than just knowing something is bothering me without understanding what it is. As the GI Joe used to say “Knowing is half the battle”. When you know what you are dealing with, when you know what flares you up in different ways, it’s a lot easier to make the right choices to avoid it.
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