I am 29 years old, married with 2 step children, I have two jobs one as a part-time certified veterinary technician and my full-time job as a rehabilitation practitioner (animal physical therapist) at our college of veterinary medicine. I have 2 dogs (a black lab and a dachshund), 3 cats, a goldfish, and a guinea pig. I enjoy spending time with my family watching movies and crafting, especially re-purposing things.

I was having trouble sleeping and was recommended to have a sleep study done to check for apnea. My results showed no apnea but that I woke up every hour because my heart rate would sky rocket which they interpreted as being from pain. From there I was administered the Fibro tender point exam and found I had 16 of 18 positive points. I was then given info on Fibromyalgia and was shocked how many symptoms I had that I didn’t realize were not normal things a person experiences.
My family wasn’t quite sure what to think about it. I received sympathetic feelings and understanding but no one really understood what it meant including me.
The hardest part for me is having no energy. I sleep horribly, on average about 4hrs a night and never consecutively. Working full-time with a family and other obligations is difficult when I constantly feel fatigued.
I was diagnosed with patellar dislocation disorder at 5yr old. (knee caps are not placed properly due to curved femurs and shallow grooves in my femur causing them to pop out at any moment even when sitting and just moving my leg in and out). I also have anxiety and insomnia disorders which have worsened since my Fibromyalgia pain started. I believe that my other conditions have been beneficial to me dealing with my Fibro. I know that’s odd to say but I think since I had been dealing with constant pain from my knees and lower body my whole life I didn’t recognize my Fibro pain as “abnormal.” I thought it was just because of my knees and I had to deal with it and move on. I wanted to be normal as a kid and play sports, etc. so I just adjusted and didn’t let it hold me back. I have taken that attitude to help me deal with my Fibro pain and issues.
Finding ways to sleep has been the biggest help to Fibro pain. I use ear plugs at night which seems simple but makes a huge difference in how much I wake up. I also use essential oils like lavender to help calm and ease me to sleep. I do take medications like tramadol, gabapentin, escitalopram, trazadone, vitamins, and probiotics as well on a daily basis.
I don’t care if people know I have an illness but I try not to put it in the forefront with strangers. My family and friends all know my diagnosis and are very understanding when I say I’m having a “bad pain day”. I still feel like they don’t quite understand what it’s like but they are extremely supportive, especially my husband. I’m not sure I could do it all without him.
I wouldn’t say I have received a lot of advice about Fibro except to try and not stress about things, which I try my best to not do. I will say I am more then grateful for the spoon theory because it was the best thing to help my family understand what my daily life is like and was an eye opener for me as well.

I was told to try a few different medications which worked for other people but did not work for me at all!!
I love my alone time to calm down. It’s hard to find, but even just taking a long shower or diving into a great book and ignoring the world have been really helpful. I also enjoy reading blogs and posts from others so I know I’m not in this alone.
Life. I manly have one chance to do as much as I can with this life and I don’t want to miss out on anything. My family friends animals food adventure I want to be a part of everything
Don’t overload yourself with medications, it’s hard to get away from them once you start. Try holistic approaches and try to simplify your life, do the things you enjoy and leave the rest, no one cares if you haven’t vacuumed or the laundry isn’t folded. Don’t hide at home and try to push forward. Your not alone and you’ve got this!!
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